Archives mensuelles : février 2023

3Y7GIA & 3Y7THA – Bouvet Island

3Y7GIA & 3Y7THA – Bouvet Island 11 Février 2023 [FEBRUARY 11] – It was the turn of Rune LA7THA to operate his personal 3Y callsign today. Appeared on 30CW as 3Y7THA @ 2045z.  Continue reading —» HERE Version traduite en … Continuer la lecture

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Nouveaux phares ajoutés

W.A.P. Worldwide Antarctic Program New Light Houses added to the “WAP Antarctic Light House Directory” 10 Febbraio 2023 Esperanza Base (WAP ARG-Ø4) is located in the extreme northeast of the Antarctic Peninsula in an area free of ice during the … Continuer la lecture

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FT8WW – Crozet Island

FT8WW – Crozet Island 11 Février 2023 [NEWS UPDATE] – It may never happen again! A QSO between most wanted #2 and #3 DXCC entities took place today. That’s right, Bouvet worked Crozet; Crozet worked Bouvet! Details posted on the … Continuer la lecture

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V3T – Belize

V3T – Belize 11 Février 2023 During the ARRL International CW DX Contest (February 18-19, 2023) look for WC0W, K5PI, WC0T, WW0G, W5MJ, VE7KW, and VA7DX to be active from Belize as V3T. Category: M/S LP. QSL via WC0W. Outside … Continuer la lecture

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CB7C – Chiloe Island, SA-018

CB7C – Chiloe Island, SA-018 11 Février 2023 Team CB7C will be active from Punta Corona Lighthouse on Chiloe Island, SA-018 during February 18-20, 2023. This activity ties in with the American International Lighthouse Weekend. QRV on all bands, SSB … Continuer la lecture

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Communications d’urgence

Communications d’urgence en raison d’un tremblement de terre en Turquie 07/02/2023 Le lundi soir 6 février 2023, il y a eu un tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,8 qui a principalement touché la Turquie et la Syrie mais aussi d’autres … Continuer la lecture

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Cape Fie Camp

W.A.P. Worldwide Antarctic Program Cape Fie Camp NEW_ENTRY in WAP-WADA Directory as “WAP NOR-14” 7 Febbraio 2023 Located at 54°27’South, 03° 28’ East, Cape Fie (or Kapp Fie) is a cape marking the Sutheast extremity of Bouvetøya Island, Peri Antarctic   … Continuer la lecture

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V26EI – Antigua

V26EI – Antigua 7 février 2023 Members of the EIDX Group will be active from Antigua as V26EI during March 24 to April 2, 2023. QRV on HF bands; CW, SSB & Digi. QSL via M0OXO. Note: Due to ferry … Continuer la lecture

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3Y0J – Bouvet Island (part II)

3Y0J – Bouvet Island (part II) 7 février 2023 Everything is OK in the camp. The guys are good. We have a few antennas up. Running some pile ups and preparing for the storm which will arrive in a few … Continuer la lecture

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V26DX – Antigua

V26DX – Antigua 7 février 2023 Greg, N9GB will be active from Antigua as V26DX during February 9-16, 2023. QRV on 40-10m; CW, SSB & FT8 using OCF dipole; holiday style activity. QSL via EB7DX, LoTW.  Version traduite en Français … Continuer la lecture

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5H6PJ -Tanzania

5H6PJ -Tanzania 7 février 2023 “JP”, VU2BGC is currently active from the southern highlands of Tanzania as 5H6PJ. He operates using a Kenwood TS-50 and 20m dipole. QSL via LoTW. Version traduite en Français via Google Translate 5H6PJ -Tanzanie ‘JP’, … Continuer la lecture

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5V23LE – Togo

5V23LE – Togo 7 février 2023 Eric, F5LCX will be active from Lome, Togo as 5V23LE during February 13-25, 2023. QRV on HF bands (holiday-style) using FT-857 and ATAS-120 antenna. QSL via H/c. Version traduite en Français via Google Translate … Continuer la lecture

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Évitez le bouclage des boucles HF Évitez le bouclage des boucles HF En retravaillant une antenne filaire autour du bord de ma ligne de toit en bardeaux qui a été installée il y a 10 ans en tant que boucle HF (principalement) horizontale, j’ai découvert … Continuer la lecture

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6W7/ON4AVT Sénégal

6W7/ON4AVT Senegal Feb 5, 2023 [REMINDER] Willy ON4AVT will again be active from Warang, Senegal as 6W7/ON4AVT during February 6 to March 31, 2023. QRV on 80-10m; SSB, Digimodes and also QO-100 Satellite. QSL via home call, Club Log OQRS. … Continuer la lecture

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Les astronautes se détendent

Mises à jour du blog de la Station spatiale Les astronautes se détendent pendant que les cosmonautes se préparent pour la mission Cargo L’astronaute Nicole Mann est photographiée à l’intérieur du sas Quest organisant des outils et du matériel de … Continuer la lecture

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VK5TIL Troubridge Island, OC-139

VK5TIL Troubridge Island, OC-139 Feb 5, 2023 [REMINDER] VK5PAS, VK5MAZ, VK5FR, VK2YK, VK5LA and VK5HS plan to be active from Troubridge Island, OC-139 as VK5TIL during February 7-9, 2023. QRV on 160-10m; CW, SSB & FT8. Full info on the … Continuer la lecture

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