Archives quotidiennes : 10 mai 2019

D68CCC – Comoros

D68CCC – Comoros PRESS RELEASE #1 On the road again, and also this time on the road to Africa to reach their next QTH not far from Moroni. As a matter of fact, the leader Antonio, IZ8CCW and the co-leader … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans DX, Infos DX, Trafic Radio, Trafic Radioamateur | Laisser un commentaire

An offer from KC0W

An offer from KC0W NEWS UPDATE – After careful consideration of the 24 individuals who expressed interest in the accommodations giveaway Tom has decided that Gabriel Ochoa, HK4GOO will get the dates. Thanks to all who sent him emails requesting … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans Infos DX, Trafic Radio, Trafic Radioamateur | Laisser un commentaire